Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Part B: OKC Zoo Trip

JP was pretty tired by this time, and he was just slowly plodding along when all of a sudden, he was the monkeys and perked right up! "Take a picture of me with the monkeys!", he excitedly demanded... and then ran over to the picture instead of the monkey cage. Apparently, he relates well with these ape creatures.

This is like my favorite picture! The are so cute!

Tackle him! Get a real smile! Hang on to him Jake!

JP is at that stage where it is hard to pin him down for a good picture pose. Luckily, Jake is now stolid enough to just grab him and hold on complacently... while JP wriggles at his side.

Are you looking at me?

The giraffes! These amazing creatures were probably lavished with the most of our attention during our zoo visit... especially from John, who was truly amazed at the combined awkwardness and grace of these fantastic creations. We decided that going to the zoo and seeing all of the different crazy and unique animals is truly one of the best proofs to God's existence and omniscience.

Andrew was like,"The giraffe touched my front two knuckles! How many people can claim that their front two knuckles touched a giraffe?!".

So long folks! Thanks for coming!

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