Saturday, October 27, 2007

Football and more Fun

Rosalie putting on her Tough Love face. It looks pretty tough.
Christine playing defense (cute blonde in blue shorts)
The whole Tough Love Flag Football team. (My best friends Rosalie and Christine on the right of front and back rows). They made it to the championship game today - it was amazing and SO much fun. I joined them for warm up before the game -this consisted of pulling a jeep up to the curb, cranking up the volume, and dancing to songs like 'cotton eyed joe' and 'Numa Numa'. Even a couple of Nuns joined us in the pre-game dance party. The game itself was almost as much fun. It was extremely muddy, which only added to the fun. I screamed until I was hoarse. They tied in the last minute, went into overtime and each side scored twice. Finally, St. Micheal's won, but only just by a hair. Tough love put up quite the fight. The best part is, Rosalie actually made it through the season with all her digits and no broken bones despite several attempts. Congratulations, Tough Love!
Rosalie and Regina, wearing their matching sweaters, and proving that Rosalie can wear pink.
Nathan + sweaty t-shirt wrapped around head = ninja??

P.S. Fr. Calloway gave a homily this morning on manure. It was one of the best, most beautiful homilies I have ever heard preached. And it made me think of home.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

An artist of fantastic creations, and untold sky scrapers,
our Jake is well on the path of the greatest architects.
This is one of his more simple models, but as you can see,
it is still a masterpiece, of which he is truly proud.
We will keep you posted on his progress.
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Benedict Street

It's yummy. It's fun. It's friendly.
It's Benedict Street Marketplace!

Joy, Tori, Carmen, and April are to the left, as we find a spare moment before a "black and white" dinner.

Jessica Neal-trying to get going on a Saturday morning

Hey Jam,
Paula and Carmen both say they miss you, and you better come home. Roll with it girl.