Thursday, August 23, 2007

Zoo Daze Craze

On August 7th, 2007 the Bugos Clan visited the Oklahoma City Zoo animals... and had a blast! Jacob and J.P. were out of their minds!

Jacob was here elaborating on the AWESOME snakes he saw in the reptile exhibit.. some were literally bigger then him!

Smiles, smiles, smiles
and cheeze on top of that!

Mom and Jake-ba chill with Boorab, the mighty hare
they befrend while reading Brian Jacques' "Redwall" series.

Now it is late, and
J.P. gets in a pouty mood when he gets tired.
At this point, he was to dramatic to look at his favorite animal - the zebra!

..see, Mary still loves ears.

Mom feeds everybody, even the wild ass that has a big sign saying "Please don't feed me".

Here we come, walking down the street...

You have to Kiss a lot of Frogs.....

Before you ever find .......

A Prince!.....

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Jamie, Sam, Drew, Meb, Jake, and John Paul all got to ride on the carousel ($.75 ea.!). We selected our favorite animals, such as an ocelot, a wild boar, a tiger. The best seat though was that of Marty the Zebra, which J.P. refused to leave without riding and hugging good-bye.

Thus, off we went to the merry tunes of "Pop Goes the Weasel" or "Do Your Ears Hang Low".

King of the Jungle.....

The wild animal clan!