They somehow got this darn cool old car to carry the wedding party in - it pulled up to the walkway that led to the gazebo, and from it alighted first the flower girl, Gabby, then the maid of honor, Carmen, and finally the Amy. It was really neat, like a fairy tale Cinderella.
Here is Gabby, looking so pretty and grown up!
Here comes the Bride - she looks so happy!
The maid-of-honor after the wedding - she is very pretty!
Hi Carmen!
I know I'm not very nice to myself at times. But sometime I just have to say it and this is one of those times: That dress makes me look like a plywood board. So, does the camera still add ten pounds to plywood boards? I hope so. :-/ ;)
my name is stefan senese. and my fiance's name is amy thomas,we put stefan and amy in the google engine on valentines day just to see any results. we are getting married in vegas in 2011 from Stefan & Amy, South Wales, UK
Hello. And Bye.
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