Sunday, January 21, 2007

Blog Spots

aMom, rubbing Nico's belly, muses to herself, " I wonder what is causing all of Nico's hair to fall out?". Jacob pipes up ," Mom, you have to understand the technology of a cat. It's just heretics".

a Jacob's latest conversation topic : Government Proof Society.

a Recently, Jacob announced that his sweet tooth has evaporated. Unfortunately, it has been replaced by an industrial sized one.

a Jamie has again blessed the family with a blond moment. During one quick school lunch break, she took off to Walmart just in order to purchase a key hider for the outside of her car, for as she said, " I just knew someday I would lock myself out".
Arriving at Walmart - she locked the keys in the car.

Catan In Space

New Years Eve found us playing yet
another heated Catan game. Complete
with club sodas, and chocolate lattes
it was a great event. The weird phenomena of
floating dice overcoming the forces of gravity
only added to the effect. God Bless
Klaus Teuber and Jason too! Catan Rocks!
The Setup :

Friday, January 19, 2007

An Ode For Snow
It snowed.
We went outside to play.
We had the most incredible day,
The day that it snowed.
It snowed.
Outside we slipped.
We slided.
We sleded.
The day that it snowed.
It snowed.
We laughed.
We cried.
We bled.
We fell in the creek.
The day that it snowed.
We thank God,
for the day that it snowed.

Snow Daze

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Dick the Fish

This glowing, bumby- headed-Gromit-like goldfish was found floating around on Christmas Day, left by good ol' St. Nicholaus. It was Dad's one heart-felt wish come true!

Now he greets young Dick every morning, faithfully taking one cup of old water out of his watery home and putting one cup clean water in.

He feeds Dick, too.

Dick is a good fish

Monday, January 01, 2007

Mary Elizabeth HorseRaiser Strawberry Kara Bugos
her brave horse

Thanks to you Adam, Life is No Longer Perfect

The Bored Kids Gang