Sunday, September 23, 2007

Quotes For September

  • J.P., finger on trigger, pointing Windex bottle at his face,"Hmm, 'dis is not good for me".
  • Dad to Mr. Barber," You can tell Jamie is doing better at school, because she's calling less often". - No offense Jam, it is a good truth.
  • J.P. pulls up to the Marketplace to pick up Sam. He gives Mom a sad, puzzled look saying,"Is this where Sama lives now"?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Troubadour Trips to the Tropics

The Fugikawas

Look at those beautiful Fugi/Boogie eyes!


(half a sleepy smile - caught on camera)

Wow!! Was Aunt Sama ever blessed to be able to attend the Baptism for Francis Xavier and spend two weeks with our Fugi family at Ave Maria Town! Could you make life any more wonderful?

Chobby is sooo cute, beyond words! More than that though, his little personality is pretty special.

He is a very big boy already. He celebrated his 1 month birthday when I was there, on September 7th. He then weighed 10.8 lbs I believe, and could already hold his head up!! I have proof on tape and multiple witnesses. He tries really hard not to cry unless the situation really calls for some extra emphasis, and when he smiles, it just lights up his whole being!

Staying with Katherine and Jason was a special treat, I haven't had that much time with Katherine for way too long. Thankfully, she is very much the same, wonderful, big sis Katherine. While there, she and Jason helped me to experience college life at Ave, with everything from Holy Mass, bob-diggity cool priests and their homilies, a dark-alley-infested-alligator-unpaved-kill-yourself-in-the-dark bike ride with Jason, Catan games, and even dorm floor parties. Sweet.

Jason, Katherine, and Francis Xavier, we love you! (Don't be surprised if you guys start getting fan mail, ya'll pretty much rock!)

Sunday, September 09, 2007

What? A Bugos daughter in the show ring with a four legged equine buddy? No Way! This cannot be! Wasn't it written in stone many years ago that Bugos daughters shall not pass this way? So....what gives?

Mary and Banjo before show...Banjo having pre-show jitters as he is for sure the "little guy", and youngest for sure in the whole youth show. Minutes before entering the line up for pony's under 52".

September 8th at the Pottawatomie County Youth Horse Show. Mary is showing Banjo for the first time in a halter class. Stiff competition to the left in a perfectly matured Welsh gelding going around Mary to be placed 1st in the class. Mary awaits her judgement call as does little Banjo who by the way was the "perfect pony" in ringside manners. (yea, she should have shown him in showmanship, they were a perfect team!)

Leaving the show ring, that by the way was about 103 in the shade and Mary's espression tells that! Banjo, feeling pretty cool actually, placed 3rd in the class, but not bothered a bit as he know's what he is made of...assuring her of better day's ahead...he kept his head high, knowing he is still coming into his prime.

Mary and Banjo after the show. Not bad for their first ever show! Next year they will shine in showmanship AND halter class, who knows, maybe even cutting a barrel or two....just watch!